Supplier Management Solution

Strengthen your supply chain with AI-powered automation

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Why automate supplier
management with Esker?

In today's globalised economy, effective supplier management is crucial for maintaining a competitive edge. As companies expand their operations, they often deal with a complex network of suppliers and the associated challenges and demands. Esker Supplier Management helps companies efficiently manage supplier relationships and risk management. Thanks to Al-driven technology, companies can optimise their procurement operations, enhance collaboration and visibility, drive competitiveness, and achieve long-term success.

  • Streamline procurement

    From standardised workflows and automated supplier onboarding to supplier performance tracking, Esker equips your team with the tools needed to enhance the procurement process.

  • Manage costs effectively

    A well-managed supplier base enables your team to negotiate better pricing, terms and conditions with suppliers.

  • Improve supply chain resilience

    By diversifying the supplier base, your company reduces dependency on a single supplier and minimises the impact of potential disruptions.

What our customers say...

“Esker is helping us improve our relationships with both our suppliers and our teams internally. By introducing automation, we have gained efficiency and a 65% touchless rate of supplier invoices.”

Finance Director, Manutan

“A comprehensive supplier management policy plays an important role in the success of our organisation. Esker has given us a view into all our supplier activities and ensures that processes are informed with accurate supplier, risk and performance data.”

Director, Shared Services Center Manager, Lapeyre

User-friendly tools
for enhancing
ESG reporting & strategies

Customers, investors and other stakeholders are placing greater emphasis on sustainability and responsible business practices. Companies can demonstrate their commitment to environmental stewardship, social responsibility and strong governance (commonly referred to as ESG considerations) by integrating these into the supplier management process. Esker Supplier Management tracks supplier certifications, monitors compliance documentation, and sends alerts for expiration or non-compliance, reducing the risk of legal and reputational issues.

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A 360-degree view of supplier information

Finding and onboarding reliable and reputable suppliers can demand significant time and resources. With automation, businesses can streamline supplier relationships, enhance procurement processes, manage compliance, minimise risk and achieve better business outcomes.

  • Self-service supplier portal

    Improve operational efficiency

    As businesses grow, managing suppliers manually becomes increasingly complex. Collect data and legal documents from suppliers directly via the self-service portal, while allowing suppliers to easily update their information at any time and reduce the risk of human error in data entry. Esker technology makes it possible to create questionnaires from the very first stage of onboarding to obtain specific information. Also, check the Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) to ensure compliance in exchanges and collect diversity certification for promoting supplier diversity and inclusion.

  • Compliance & regulatory requirements

    Mitigate supply chain disruption

    With Esker, companies can facilitate a more secure, streamlined supply chain thanks to the ability to:

    • Automate compliance monitoring with regulations and internal policies and track supplier performance against predefined metrics.
    • Identify potential risks, such as supply chain disruptions, facilitating proactive risk management strategies.
    • Screen suppliers against politically exposed persons and sanction lists, receiving information in real-time.
    • Perform OFAC checks to mitigate the risk of inadvertently engaging in transactions with sanctioned parties, which could lead to reputational, financial, and legal consequences.
  • Real-time KPIs & analytics

    Optimise decision-making with data-driven insights

    Esker users gain real-time visibility into supplier performance and KPIs thanks to intelligent dashboards that provide:

    • AP specialists with a centralised view of supplier information, while all modifications and actions are recorded and statuses updated.
    • Improved collaboration between internal departments and external partners by providing a centralised platform for communication and document sharing.
    • Enhanced service levels and accountability, which fosters greater trust and improves relationships with suppliers.
  • Dynamic discounting & early payment plan

    Strengthen supplier engagements with digital tools

    Identify cost-saving opportunities by optimising supplier relationships and negotiations. By combining Esker Supplier Management, term optimisation and early payment programs, companies benefit from faster approvals, increased visibility and integrated data, while helping their suppliers secure cashflow, get paid faster and support their customer's supply chain.

  • Fraud prevention

    Verify supplier bank details for accuracy

    Bank verification automation ensures accurate and reliable supplier information. By automatically verifying bank account details provided by suppliers, companies can eliminate manual-related errors and reduce the risk of fraudulent activities. This helps maintain accurate supplier records and reduce potential financial risks.


Automating Supplier Management:

3 ways AI tools can help lower risk & prevent fraud during supplier onboarding

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Frequently Asked Questions About Supplier Order Management Software

What is Supplier Order Management software?

Supplier Order Management software is a specialised tool designed to streamline and optimise the process of managing orders from suppliers. It facilitates efficient communication, order tracking, and coordination between businesses and their suppliers, ensuring that procurement processes run smoothly and effectively. This software automates various aspects of the supplier interaction, from order placement to delivery tracking, enhancing overall supply chain efficiency.

What are the benefits of using Supplier Order Management software?

Using Supplier Order Management software brings numerous benefits, including improved supplier relationships, enhanced visibility into the procurement process, reduced errors and delays, and cost savings. It allows businesses to manage supplier data, track performance, and negotiate better terms effectively. By automating routine tasks, it frees up time for strategic sourcing and supplier development, contributing to a more resilient supply chain.

What features are essential in Supplier Order Management software?

These are the features that companies should look for in their Supplier Order Management software should include:

  • Supplier performance tracking
  • Order and inventory management
  • Contract management
  • Risk assessment tools
  • Communication and collaboration platforms
  • Integration with existing ERP or accounting systems
  • Real-time analytics and reporting capabilities

Can Esker’s Supplier Order Management software handle multi-language communication with suppliers?

Yes, Esker's Supplier Order Management software supports multi-language communication, facilitating seamless interaction with global suppliers. As you expand your list of vendors to maximise operations, Esker’s Order Management System ensures that businesses can effectively communicate with suppliers in different regions. As such, this eliminates language barriers and enhances mutual understanding and collaboration.

How does the software ensure data security and supplier privacy?

Esker’s Supplier Order Management software employs robust security measures, including data encryption, secure access controls, and compliance with international data protection regulations. This helps safeguard sensitive information and ensure supplier privacy. Additionally, regular security audits and adherence to industry best practices are reinforced regularly to guarantee data security and confidentiality.

What support and training options are available?

To help maximise the features of the Vendor Management system, Esker provides comprehensive support and training options, including online tutorials, live webinars, customer support hotlines, and dedicated account managers. Tailored training sessions help users learn how to integrate the software's capabilities in to their work processes, ensuring effective implementation and usage.

How does Supplier Order Management software optimise my business inventory?

Supplier Order Management software improves business inventory by providing real-time visibility into stock levels, forecasting demand, and automating reorder processes. Therefore, it can optimise inventory levels, reduce holding costs, and minimise stock outs or overstock situations, contributing to more efficient inventory management.

What’s the difference between Vendor Management  software and ERP systems?

Vendor Management software focuses specifically on managing relationships and interactions with suppliers, including performance tracking, communication, and contract management. In contrast, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems offer a broader suite of integrated applications to manage various business processes, including finance, HR, manufacturing, and supply chain, among others. While Vendor Management can be a component of an ERP system, dedicated vendor management software offers more specialised tools and functionalities for supplier management.

Frequently Asked Questions About Supplier Order Management Software in Singapore

How does Esker Singapore’s Supplier Order Management software comply with Singapore’s Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) and other relevant regulations?

Esker Singapore's Supplier Order Management software is designed to comply with the Personal Data Protection Act (PDPA) and other relevant Singaporean regulations. By incorporating advanced data protection features such as encryption, access control, and audit trails, the software ensures the confidentiality and integrity of personal data. Regular updates keep it aligned with the latest legal requirements, safeguarding your business against compliance risks. Esker's commitment to data privacy extends to providing tools for consent management and data subject rights, facilitating adherence to the PDPA's stipulations on data handling and processing.

How can the Supplier Order Management software help me manage suppliers across my regional operations in Southeast Asia?

Esker’s Supplier Order Management software offers comprehensive features tailored for managing suppliers across the diverse landscape of Southeast Asia. Its multi-language support facilitates clear communication with suppliers from various countries, while real-time analytics offer insights into supplier performance, enabling better decision-making. 

Additionally, the software's cloud-based nature ensures accessibility across different geographic locations, allowing for cohesive management of regional operations. By automating procurement processes and centralising supplier information, businesses can enhance efficiencies and maintain strong supplier relationships throughout the region.

Does Esker’s Supplier Order Management software support PeSIT and UBL formats for seamless e-invoicing compliance in Singapore?

Yes, Esker’s Supplier Order Management software supports PeSIT and UBL formats for seamless e-invoicing compliance in Singapore. This allows for efficient and standardised e-invoice exchanges between businesses and their suppliers, aligning with Singapore's efforts to promote digital transactions and reduce paperwork. The software's compatibility with these formats streamlines processes, speeds up invoicing cycles, and ensures adherence to local e-invoicing regulations, providing a smooth, compliant procurement operation.

What specific features are beneficial for businesses in Singapore?

To accommodate a wide range of industries, Esker's Vendor Management System offers specific features such as customisable procurement workflows, detailed spend analytics, and robust contract management. These tools have the versatility to cater to the unique challenges and opportunities, providing the agility to respond to market demands, control costs, and optimise supplier relationships. Moreover, the software has integration capabilities and compliance tools for regulatory requirements, enhancing operational efficiency and adherence to industry standards.

What are the typical implementation timelines for this software in Singapore?

Typical implementation timelines for Esker’s Supplier Order Management software in Singapore vary based on the scope and complexity of the project but generally range from a few weeks to several months. Esker works closely with clients to ensure a smooth and efficient implementation process, including thorough planning, customisation, training, and support. The aim is to minimise disruption and accelerate the realisation of benefits, with ongoing support and consultation available post-implementation to ensure successful software adoption and usage.

Are there any government grants or incentives available for adopting Supplier Order Management software in Singapore?

Yes, there are. If you adopt Esker's Supplier Order Management software, your business may be eligible for government grants or incentives aimed at encouraging digital transformation and productivity improvements. Initiatives like the Productivity Solutions Grant (PSG) provide funding support for the adoption of IT solutions and equipment that enhance business processes. 

Companies can consult Enterprise Singapore or the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA) for the latest information on eligibility criteria and application processes.

Does the software support multi-currency transactions, considering Singapore's global trade position?

Yes, it does. Given Singapore's global trade position, Esker’s Vendor Management system supports multi-currency transactions, allowing businesses to manage procurement and payments in various currencies effortlessly. This feature is essential for companies engaged in international trade, enabling accurate and efficient financial operations across different markets. The software's multi-currency capability simplifies currency conversion, mitigates exchange rate risks, and supports compliance with global financial reporting standards.

Frequently Asked Questions About Supplier Order Management Software Malaysia

Does the software offer Bahasa Malaysia language support for seamless user experience and supplier communication?

Yes, Bahasa Malaysia language support is also available in Esker’s Supplier Order Management software, facilitating a seamless user experience and effective communication with suppliers. This language option ensures that the software is accessible to a broader user base, enhancing usability and minimising language barriers within the Malaysian market. By providing a platform that is both intuitive and inclusive, Esker helps businesses optimise their supplier relationships and operational efficiency.

Can the software integrate with popular local accounting software like MYOB AccountEdge or Xero Malaysia?

Yes, Esker’s Supplier Order Management software can integrate with popular local accounting software, including MYOB AccountEdge and Xero Malaysia. This integration capability ensures a seamless flow of financial data, reducing manual entry and enhancing accuracy in financial reporting. By connecting directly with established accounting solutions, Esker’s software streamlines financial processes and improves operational efficiency, making it a valuable tool for businesses managing finances within the Malaysian context.

Does the software have specific features relevant to managing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Malaysia's diverse economy?

Yes, Esker’s Vendor Management system provides robust analytics, customisable workflows, and streamlined communication tools, all designed to meet the unique needs and challenges faced by Malaysian SMEs. These features are designed for automating and simplifying procurement and supplier management processes, which are crucial for SMEs looking to scale and compete effectively. 

How can the software integrate with e-procurement platforms like DagangNet, used by government agencies and businesses in Malaysia?

Esker’s Supplier Order Management software can integrate with e-procurement platforms such as DagangNet, widely used by government agencies and businesses in Malaysia. As a result, this streamlines transactions and compliance with governmental procurement processes, ensuring businesses can easily participate in public tenders and manage contracts within the DagangNet ecosystem. By connecting directly to DagangNet, Esker’s software enhances operational efficiency and opens up new opportunities for businesses to engage with public sector entities.

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